Guided Bird Watching – 8 March 2024

The fresh ESE wind persisted, but the cloudy start ended in pleasant sunshine. The cruise started well, with a Red-breasted Mergansers and a loose group of Eiders, the latter diving over the mussel beds. A dozen or more Shags were seen in the outer part of the estuary, including nice views of breeding plumage adults…

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Guided Bird Watching – 7th March 2024

There was a fresh ESE wind today, but mostly sunny conditions. Groups of Brent Geese were feeding in the Wildlife Refuge area at Dawlish Warren, the first of maybe a thousand seen today! A dozen or more Shags were scattered around the outer part of the estuary, several sporting their breeding crests which blew around…

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Guided Bird Watching – 23rd February 2024

Slightly better conditions today with visibility perfectly ideal for a birdwatching cruise on the Exe Estuary with again great company. As we left Exmouth Marina several people saw the Great Northern Diver at a distance off Pole Sands we continued along the edge of Dawlish Warren where we had great views of Curlew, Oystercatchers Herring…

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Guided Bird Watching – 22nd Feb 2024

Slightly inclement conditions today but visibility was perfect for a birdwatching cruise on the Exe Estuary with great company. We left Exmouth Marina and cruised along the edge of Dawlish Warren where we had great views of Curlew, Oystercatchers Herring gulls and a few DB Brent Geese feeding in the Shutterton area of the Wildlife…

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🕊Guided Bird Watching Review – Thursday 4th November🕊

We had lovely afternoon sunshine for the first birdwatching cruise of the winter. There were large numbers of Brent Geese feeding on the algae covering the mud- and sandbanks from Dawlish Warren up to Lympstone. There were also lots of Black-tailed Godwits (probably over 1000) scattered in flocks between Powderham and Topsham. The Avocet flock…

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🕊Guided Bird Watching Review – Tuesday 29th December🕊

This afternoon saw the first Birdwatching Cruise of the season (the earlier ones sadly had to be cancelled). We had nice weather, although the northerly wind was keen, and we saw lots of birds. Off Cockwood we saw the first of about 10 Great Crested Grebes, the resident Slavonian Grebe, a Little Grebe and 3…

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A little birdie just popping by to say hello! 🐦

Guided Bird Watching Cruises First and foremost, I do hope that you have been keeping well. It has been the most incredibly strange year so far but we have shared some wonderful times with our passengers aboard Tudor Rose and Pride of Exmouth and I do hope that we will be able to welcome you…

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🕊Guided Bird Watching Review – Wednesday 27th November🕊

Birdwatching cruise, 27 November 2019 This afternoon’s cruise was perhaps most notable for an amazing succession of rainbows! That aside, we began with an immature drake Eider off Exmouth and a Peregrine had a go at a Stock Dove over Warren Point before flying off over Exmouth. ‘Herbert’, the resident Slavonian Grebe was off Cockwood as…

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🕊Guided Bird Watching Review – Sunday 24th November🕊

A dry cruise! Following a very wet Saturday there was plenty of floodwater in the estuary which had an impact on the number of birds on show around the Topsham area of the Estuary. There were none of the large numbers of Black Tailed Godwits that normally frequent this area of the Estuary. It was…

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🕊Guided Bird Watching Review – Wednesday 13th November🕊

This afternoon’s cruise yielded really impressive flocks of wildfowl off Dawlish Warren and especially between Exmouth and Lympstone. These were mostly Brent Geese and Wigeon, but off Lympstone included 11 Pale-bellied Brents, 2 Black Swans and some 230 Pintail. However, the best was perhaps the female Common Scoter off Powderham. The Slavonian Grebe again had…

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